Somethings gotta give

Discussion in 'Complaints & Appeals' started by Chase, Oct 6, 2020.

  1. Chase

    Chase [BB] Sub Admin Sub Admin

    Feb 19, 2016
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    So I keep having trouble with someone names jailbread. He is very loud, rude to everyone and racist with always saying and spamming in mic "Nig--r". I keep calling votes and that's fine but it's only for 2 hours. He leaves then comes back but during the day I cant stay on the server due to school also they was talking about doing it a lot yesterday of the date of this post and saying admins weren't doing anything. But they only think they were admins. I wasn't on at the time. Someone named moose is his friend which can also be very rude and loud but I haven't heard him mic spam. rude and loud are like iffy. I don't really know when to call it. Also the second vote I called upon him it only say mic, but I wrote " mic spam, racist" I don't know how to fit the whole thing on there. This is his steam id.

    ] amen_vballpit jail mic spam, racist
    [ADMIN] OBblivion has called a vote against Jailbread for mic.
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2020
  2. Kaiden

    Kaiden Administrator Community Manager

    Feb 13, 2008
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    amen_vballpit jail "mic spam, racist" would print the whole thing to the vote - need to use quotes around reason in chat/console.

    I'd record a demo next time they're on and paste it here so can get an idea of what they're doing, or call an Admin on so they can see - appreciate they're probably always on when both me and Teddi are asleep.
  3. Chase

    Chase [BB] Sub Admin Sub Admin

    Feb 19, 2016
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    Thank you. Ill record it and then call a vote. I doubt it was the last time he will do it. He is very loud and rude to all. Then they push him to mic spam and so far he just plays the same song about Nig-- and that is when i call the vote. Him and his friend got mad because a vote passed with like 47%. But oh well.
    Kaiden likes this.
  4. Teddi

    Teddi Well-Known Member Bear

    Jul 21, 2007
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    If he's receiving multiple ballpits then I'll take a gander in to seeing if he requires a longer punishment
    Chase, Chaco #11 and Kaiden like this.