Skill Surf [MVP]

Discussion in 'Denied' started by JamesTheGayAngel, Jul 27, 2018.

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  1. JamesTheGayAngel

    JamesTheGayAngel [BB] Admin Admin

    Jun 9, 2018
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    ⛧James (Joesf)


    ⛧Skill Surf [MVP]

    ⛧I've been playing on surf for a couple years now,
    met a wide variety of people made friends and had a blast,
    the last thing i would want is for someone to join and ruin the experience for others.
    i want to do anything i can to make sure everyone has a good time and enjoy's themself's.
    i just turned 21 a few days ago and i'm on disability so i work from home which gives me the
    ability to be on as much as possible. I take as much time out of my day as much as needed
    to help out on the surf server as much as i can now. and i want to continue helping and any other possible ways as i can. the amount of times I've been on I've seen some rude comments, and heard very disturbing things over the mic and i want to make sure it happens less so everyone can enjoy themselves on the server, I want/Like to see the community grow and succeed as it has been. thank you for taking time out of your day to read this and hope to see more new faces and old ones around.
  2. Kaiden

    Kaiden Administrator Community Manager

    Feb 13, 2008
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    I think it's worth re-applying in the future as haven't been able to reach a final decision yet (hence the long wait), definitely have potential though.
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