Elk~ Nearly 20 and such, everyone seems to think I would be a good admin, so here it is. :9 I like cats and my favourite colours are blue & orange and I like to draw and I like winter and I don't like storms and I don't like spiders and I'll be going to Portsmouth uni next year with any luck. Oh and my favourite thing ever is Doctor Who. And dinosaurs I guess. I make an assload of Steam avatars when I'm bored, and draw and stuff. I was also a pretty damn good admin on the Minecraft server. :X Really was not sure what to even say, since everyone on Mumble knows me fairly well, I suppose. Oh, and as of right now I don't have school, nor am working, so I'm usually on the server when the other admins have gone to bed. Been admin on the Classic Minecraft server, as well as on the Tekkit one, for the most part. I'm on Steam and Mumble much more than I should be, so yeah. :S -Gogo admin references. Mr. John Waffles Mr. Overlord
For starters Elk has been around for almost 3 years of the BB Community. She has been a good admin on server's Teddi has put on example Minecraft. It is a good reference to give Elk a Trial Admin for actually admining on our type of games. She also has played World of Warcraft private servers in the past with other fellow BB players. She is a calm person who would be willing too help other players. I would say she would perform well as a admin to go out and do instructions. I am sure she would play 7 hours on a BB game so there is no wrongs or doubts about that. I see her a few times on Mumble as well talks nicely and politely. Makes the room all sun shine and daizies. All the guys seem cheerful for some odd reason. Anyways from viewing her playing TTT as well she seems a fast typer and people will listen too her. She also from america and I think she deserves my reference.
-1 rep for using emoticons +2 rep for being a regular member which I could trust +5 teddi whiteknight points
Do you have any previous experience in other Gmod communities or servers? (Excluding your above mentioned gmod) Or, if not, other gaming communities not necessarily gmod related? What's your current time zone, and if you don't pertain to that time zone, what are the hours you generally play in? I've seen you generally get aggravated at players, even swearing openly at other players, do you feel your attitude is enough in-check to take on a position that requires you to constantly pander to players that have evidently got to you in the past? That's it for now, cheers.
I haven't admin'd anywhere else, but I've been to LiF and TnB (so I know how NOT to behave admin-wise, if that means anything). Haven't strayed far from BB. Timezone is EST. Generally online from 12-2pm to 2-3am, if not later. It only fluctuates by an hour or two usually. I curse and TALK IN CAPS since people in Mumble are usually the ones to kill me. I didn't see it as a problem, since that's how we generally act when we kill each other. I rarely get mad at people seriously - I hardly get annoyed at a game, that's silly - so I could easily be serious and tone it down. I could be wrong, but I'd say I usually only get angry/annoyed with people that decide to randomly kill me/others, and I haven't just sat by and let people verbally attack me. Have to deal with it quite a lot thanks to being a female. It's gotten a lot better, though. Still the occasional "stupid bitch" or somesuch, but eh. Lately that crap gets diffused quickly. Overall I guess I'm trying to say that I'm perfectly capable of being serious and civil when I have to be. I just usually don't have to be, so no one has really seen it for themselves.
Cheers for answering, was generally in response to L 09/04/2012 - 19:42:06: "Elk-sama<68> "You guys are fucking stupid." Although I appreciate you were killed in the game in question for no particular reason; however you feel you wouldn't respond in such a way if you were an admin so fair enough.
I don't remember saying that to be honest. :S I'm going to guess it was during the occasional 'why are you hurt, I'm going to shoot you to see if you're the traitor' moments. I vaguely remember a night where that occurred for a ridiculous amount of time. But no, I wouldn't be so harsh. Cursing and being a twat doesn't make people stop doing dumb things, it just gets people headshot as soon as the round starts.