Name: Elixir SteamID: STEAM_0:1:94368330 Server you wish to apply for and given role: Surf/Sub-Admin. Why you think you should be accepted for this role: About Myself: I am 16, Male. I reside in Ontario, Canada. (Timezone is EST), I am Irish-Canadian and a tiny bit German. I play Garry's mod a lot, recently found passion in this game after I quit when I heard the server I was staff on got shut down. When not playing games I'm generally doing school work or outside with friends. I love assisting others and I do miss the staffing process and I promise to provide the best of my expertise for the server. Why I think I should be accepted: I have started to make a name for myself on this server and I have fell in love with the community and have gained so much respect for the players and the staff involved in BB Surf. I have brought my friends over to play the server as well. I think my expertise, my presence and my overall cooperation with other staff could highly assist the server and the people involved. I am incredibly serious about staffing on BB and I am so excited to see the response I get. I do have past experience as staff and have worked with many different Staff plugins (AWarn3, XWarn and XAdmin 2) and have worked proficiently with each of the plugins I was provided. Past Staff Experience: RetributionRP: I was staff for 6-7 Months until I resigned to focus on school. I started off as a trail mod and moved up to Sr.Admin. I am familiar with the banning, kicking, gaging, and warning process. Retribution is a recently shut down DarkRP server sadly but I can find past staff if anyone here needs a referral. Minecraft: I know this is not the same game but I was a Builder promoted to Moderator on a server called Available Times: Weekdays- 4pm to 10pm (EST) Weekends- 12pm to 1am. (EST)
Thanks for the application - it's well presented and you give relevant information. At this stage though I think we need to see more of you before considering for staff, appreciate you're clearly passionate about the server though. If you're on our Discord I can add you into the mapping committee channel if want to help out with suggestions about the direction the server takes.