Name Daniel SteamID STEAM_1:0:85067420 Server(s) you wish to apply for and given role/ If accepted for admin it would be on all servers Why you think you should be accepted for this role. I think that i should be accepted because i have been a MVP for around 6 Months now and i would love to move forward in the ranks. I have been using the mvp commands when needed but honestly havent had to use them lately. I would like to become a BB admin to contribute to this server and make it an amazing place for everyone to be able to come and hang out with eachother . i have 42.2 Hours played in the last 2 weeks which have all be on this server and plan on playing every day that i have free I feel that i could bring a huge contribution to this server i have been staff on many gmod servers previous to this one and would love the opportunity to show you guys what i am capable of Thanks Daniel