Name: ↝ɢɢ↜ Mira ID:76561198118968941 Servers: BB Sub/Full? for Surf Why i should be accepted: So, i have put thought into things recently and wish to sort of go back on a mistake i made months ago. Earlier during the end of last year i resigned fully due to pushing myself too hard and hurting my desire to get on. Through this i felt as though this made it so i should resign as i didn't want to have a role that i would generally speaking not enforce as much as i feel like i should. This would a great error on my part as i had a word with teddi upon leaving and i wish i had potentially given more though to my leave, but i didn't and here i am. I feel i did alright back during my time of staff, and wish to make something of a return to potentially help as i had in the past, while also learning from my prior mistakes. I have low expectations for this, but still thought it was potentially worth a shot.
Please note any future resignations will result in a candlelit experience with Borris Bot, instead of the typical cannon firing as you have already use your one time only ticket on that ride!