Sleepydragn1's Trial Admin Application

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Sleepydragn1, Aug 17, 2009.

  1. Sleepydragn1

    Sleepydragn1 Serious Business Since 08

    May 12, 2008
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    General Game Name: Sleepydragn1

    RP Name: Sleepy *The Dragon* Jenkins (thinking about changing this, but I dunno what to change it to)

    Past Experience:
    I was an admin on a CS:S Surf RPG server that used Mani Admin Script. It belonged to a clan named Bring Bombs (ironically nearly getting me banned on [BB]Classic because I was called .:BB:. Sleepydragn1). For the most part, the server wasn't very successful with most of the players online being the admins. I was (for the most part) the voice of reason for the leader when he started to abuse admin powers (such as when he was boosting his and others XP and I kept bugging him until he finally did a XP reset). The clan eventually crashed because of inactivity by all members (including the owner).

    About Myself: I'm a 13 year old guy who enjoys video games, mostly FPS's. I live in the U.S. up in Minnesota. I don't have a job (too young, though I'll probably work at Wendy's in the near future). I have 2 cats, one is the mother of the other (though, she hates her son). I like Mapping in Hammer and hope to get a job in the video game industry at some point (preferably at Valve, but I know that it's only a slim chance).
    The first time I ever played [BB]RP (sometime back in the original "Classic" era of 2008), I loved it.

    Why I feel I should be an admin (extra): I think I should be an admin because I love RP. You just can't replace roleplaying with anything. Sure, I may play Deathrun or Stranded, but I still love RP. I think with everyone focusing on Deathrun right now, there needs to be someone there trying get RP going everyday. Almost no one will join a server with 0 players. I try to fix that by joining, and hopefully luring someone else. It's the same thing I did when the Serious update got released, and how that caused no one to play. Admin or no admin, I can do this, but I feel with admin I could be responsible and make sure the rules are enforced on the server when no other admin is on.

    Experience with BB (in general):
    • Countless hours on Classic (I mean the Classic Classic, not the new Classic) and Serious
    • Major RP experience as Lambda Resistance and PD (police department)
    • 1,000+ Post Count (most of these are serious posts, not random), which I just mean to represent experience with the forums
    • Most likely the second most wiki edits/contributions (the first being Teddi)
    • Been here since the "Timer" (where you would rank up depending on how much time you have spent in the server) in RP08 (with a few giant breaks in-between)
    I know that many people have been here longer, have had more experience, etc. So, I don't mean to brag in any way, just to say some key points people should consider.


    A post count of 50 - Yes
    Be able to spend at least 7 hours a week on the server - Yes
    Some time must have been spent on Vent - Yes
    13+ - Yes


    Admin References:

    Sub-Admin References:

    Player References:


    A note:
    For anyone who gives me their reference, or constructive criticism, thank you. I really do appreciate it.
  2. Cwivey

    Cwivey See-wivey!

    Jun 22, 2008
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    I have to say that Sleepy is one of the best Rp'ers I've actually Rp'd with for a long time and I've had some great fun doing so. I've been playing with him for a long time and I know that, consistantly, when he's on the server he is always seen to be helping people with any questions they may have, he does not do any of that mingey bullshit Rp and tries to encourage people to Rp properly. Sleepy knows and abides by the rules on the server and watches to see if other people are following them too and will not hesitate to tell an admin if someone has broken any of the rules.
    I believe he would be a great person to add to the Rp Admin team.

    +1 Rp Sub-Admin king Refference
  3. Sleepydragn1

    Sleepydragn1 Serious Business Since 08

    May 12, 2008
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  4. Blackops

    Blackops New Member

    Apr 22, 2008
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    I played with sleepy when he first joined BB. I must say it was a joy he is a very respectable player and person. I hope you get your Trial Admin man :) Good Luck!
  5. Whitefang

    Whitefang ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Jul 12, 2008
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    I say yes. Sleepy is an excellent roleplayer, and basically everything that Freddy said.

    +1 Epic-ref
  6. Sleepydragn1

    Sleepydragn1 Serious Business Since 08

    May 12, 2008
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    Updated with "Experience with BB" category.
  7. Crumpey

    Crumpey New Member

    Jul 19, 2008
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    Yes defo! Will post later with big paragraph !!!!

    I'm Sub- Admin king!
  8. Zephyr1551

    Zephyr1551 The Slayer of Bob

    Jul 14, 2008
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    Tis true, Crumpey is the sub king.