[SUGGESTION] Titles for getting an all time record on surf

Discussion in 'Suggestions / Bugs' started by Bruhtatochips, Nov 20, 2020.

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  1. Bruhtatochips

    Bruhtatochips New Member

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Basically if you get an all time you should have an option to change your current title to one displaying your position and maybe the map. There's awards for getting #1 seasonal, but there's 0 awards for getting #1 all time. It could be automatic where you can get the time, map, and the position all in the same title, but idk how the title system works and if that would be possible. There's titles for playing the server for a year straight but there's no title for getting a #1 all time record, there's titles for getting a #1 seasonal (arguably harder) but there's no title for getting a #1 all time record. Even if it's just like a counter for every map you're in the top 10 on, or just says you have an all time, it's still better than nothing which at the moment is just a name on a leaderboard that's due to change.
  2. Teddi

    Teddi Well-Known Member Bear

    Jul 21, 2007
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    In short: we want to do this we just don't currently have a sane way of doing it.

    It's something we want to add but requires the most effort out of all your examples. Seasonal winner titles are awarded manually and titles for playtime are programmed in such a way they're not "awarded" but instead a check is done in real-time on the player.

    All-time titles are much harder to do because technically we never want to "award" the title but perform a check, however checking every map would be a costly endeavour when a player is requesting their potential titles. We could quite literally have titles that could be added / removed to a players available titles but this is error prone.
  3. Kaiden

    Kaiden Administrator Community Manager

    Feb 13, 2008
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    I think there's a general consensus there needs to be more recognition for "good" players, not just the best 3 four times a year.

    One avenue being explored is a "virtual" scoreboard that would be visible at spawns - this would effectively show the map leaderboard to everyone, and give it a lot more visibility. I've not seen the concept yet but it sounds really cool, and hope it can be progressed.

    I agree we don't want to implement something that's either a lot of manual work or taxing on the system. I also don't think it'd be much fun to have to keep manually changing your title every day, depending on what's changed on a map's time (I appreciate some are pretty static, but some can change often especially newer maps).

    We've discussed in a few previous threads that we need more recognition for a wider pool of players, and like Teddi said, just need the right way to acknowledge it.
    Teddi likes this.
  4. Teddi

    Teddi Well-Known Member Bear

    Jul 21, 2007
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    To give additional context and examples to this, Deathrun has titles (that aren't actually available due to missing implementation) that are based on W/L ratios, the idea in that if your W/L was above whatever you could just "set" this title and if it ever fell below this, well it didn't matter because the server could deny it upon request (usually next time the player joined the server / after a changelevel).

    There just isn't a nice way to do it per-map and we'll likely come up with something else that somehow grades a score.
  5. Bruhtatochips

    Bruhtatochips New Member

    Jul 19, 2017
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    So I have a small hobby of making ELO systems for whatever thing doesn't really need an ELO system, and seeing that you kinda want one I will give it a shot. Pretty long but when have player ELOs been simple. Also included here is an equation that would also happen to give a universal scale of map difficulty.

    Basics: Don't check maps that the server is not on. Check the 4 leaderboards for that map in the final 30 seconds so the times would very rarely change. Only check for changes in all time data, and optionally for seasonal data, so being on a weekly board for 7 times the map changes back gives 7 times the ELO than being on it for 1 map cycle, while being on the all time board is much more static so it shouldn't give an insane amount of points. Check achievements and give a static point (only count changes if the player's achievements were counted before too) for each map that's completed in both servers, after 1 week of the data being recorded, and use the map and player ELO to give the points. Also all the averages will be listed next.

    The averages: Something new to record would be the amount of non-AFK players who beat a map as a percentage, so F/NAFK where F is the people who've finished. This would give a neat value. As it records, make it average it. So if 60% beat it one day, and 20% beat it the next, the average should be 40% beat that map. If there's 0 non-AFK players then don't count it. Give different ranges for map difficulty between the 2 servers, so hard server gives more points than easy server. Use the values as a divider, where higher values count for less total points. Next you'll want to average the times for the map and as more maps are counted, naturally more precise data will appear.

    Map equation: Grab the first average for that map. Grab the achievements for every player who's in the server at the time and also check their ELO. Find the 2 highest ELOs for those who haven't beat the map, and the 2 lowest ELOs for those who have. Average both separately and then grab the median of the 2 new values. Then divide this score by the percentage of non-AFK players who beat the map. You can probably make a few ranges for the tier of the map if you wanted and then have a universal tier system, although you'd have to count the ELO for the hard maps over a much longer period to get an accurate score than the easy maps due to small player counts. The map equation is basically so you can weigh the map's point in the ELO equation, but it would be very useful for a lot of other purposes, generally setting the difficulty of the map.

    ELO equation: The points will be counted first. Separate their previous ELO and the points they're set to be rewarded (PSTBR). Check the leaderboards, do your previously listed actions, give the points weighted where weekly is less points than monthly and so on. The map achievements will be counted based on the map ELO (but only after 1 month of recording ELOs). Now check if they've beat the map, and using the map ELO rating, divide by 10, and add to PSTBR. If they don't beat the map, divide map ELO by 100 and remove that value from their PSTBR. Make sure to divide the map ELO by whatever their rank on the weekly board is and 11 if they aren't on the weekly board, and only divide if they have beaten the map. Now grab the percentile of their time and divide the points they'll be awarded by that percentage, so being in the top 1% will give 100 times more elo than being in the bottom 1%. The final thing to do is to check if there has been a change in the leaderboard that has resulted in them leaving that board, and removing the points they would've earned if they were still there. Now apply the PSTBR to the player's ELO.
  6. Teddi

    Teddi Well-Known Member Bear

    Jul 21, 2007
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