[SUGGESTION] Effect Swapper

Discussion in 'Suggestions / Bugs' started by Bruhtatochips, Oct 31, 2020.

  1. Bruhtatochips

    Bruhtatochips New Member

    Jul 19, 2017
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    An item on the store that costs somewhere between 500k-1m cubes. This item, when used with 2 unusual quality items, will switch the effects of those 2 respective items between one another. An example of how this would be used would be to swap an Unusual Nebula Summer Shades with an Unusual Frosty Parrot Pet, making an Unusual Frosty Summer Shades and an Unusual Nebula Parrot Pet. You could even add the Crafted quality to them if wanted.

    The item shouldn't be cheap, even if it's in the crafting section or is an individual item, it should still cost a significant amount of cubes (but still affordable to those who frequently play the server). If implemented as an item, it should be a one time use.

    The reasoning behind this is that I have many Unusual items, like a seriously high amount, and some effects I find to be better looking/cooler than the effects on the items that I wear, yet the effects I like the most are on items I wouldn't ever consider wearing. What's the point of Unusual quality items if you'll never wear them?
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2020
    Soders and tuna sub backwards like this.
  2. Kaiden

    Kaiden Administrator Community Manager

    Feb 13, 2008
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    Not opposed to something like this, would be interesting to see Teddi's take. Something like that might be a one time use.

    I'd add that there's value in unusuals regardless however - just because you don't like a particular one doesn't mean someone else doesn't - and you could sell or swap it on the Market Place.
  3. Teddi

    Teddi Well-Known Member Bear

    Jul 21, 2007
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    It's something that probably seems exaggerated with the recent Halloween event - we wanted to get more unusuals out there in the form of event items so people could see and experience (and feel pretty) unusuals for once. Even if we did add such an item we wouldn't let you swap from non-tradable / non-craftable items (e.g. Halloween items) so at that point I wonder if there's any point?
  4. Bruhtatochips

    Bruhtatochips New Member

    Jul 19, 2017
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    I've been collecting unusuals for a while now and the effects I want to swap aren't on event items in the first place. What provoked me into wanting to do this is that I have certain items that have unusual effects that pair very well with each other. An example is my Unusual Angelic Parrot Pet and I have had ideas of certain combinations that I think would pair just as well as that item does, yet it's difficult getting a specific effect jar, or finding that very specific item on the player marketplace. I find it very likely that some unusual item combos have simply never been unboxed in the server's history, due to sheer probability.
  5. Soders

    Soders Member MVP

    Sep 30, 2021
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    Something like this would be very useful even if holiday restricted unusuals are excluded. I've collected a lot of unusuals aswell since getting the specific effect jars is very hard(impossible?). Most players I Interact with are not interested in swapping items with me on the playermarket. Reselling unusuals on the playermarket would be a big loss due to high cube fees. I value the items I've collected and this would allow a lot more customization to my current inventory. I've tried my luck crafting jars and it's not worth it to me. Also I've ran into some unusual cosmetics where the cosmetic is covering the effect; a swapper would be a nice tool I could use to fix items like that. Please consider adding an effect swapper function.
    Miravyre likes this.
  6. Kaiden

    Kaiden Administrator Community Manager

    Feb 13, 2008
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    So if you sell an item for 2 mil on the market you'll get 1.8mil which isn't too bad. I agree some way to recycle unusuals would still be good, say put an unusual item or jar in + an infinity essence to convert it into something new.