[SUGGESTION] Map Times Sorting / Search

Discussion in 'Suggestions / Bugs' started by HuggingPretzel, Apr 10, 2021.

  1. HuggingPretzel

    HuggingPretzel New Member

    Jun 5, 2020
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    Everything about the Surf Rankings in general is amazing, but I think it would be a good quality of life addition to be able to search/sort maps in the Map Times section.
    Basically have a section with a few buttons to sort the list by hard/easy server maps and whether the map has been completed.

    Say I wanted to see maps I don't have a ranked time on the easy server, currently I would have to scroll down and find maps on the easy server I have not done. This is kinda hard and tedious and well if someone doesn't know all the maps, it would be impossible.

    Well yeah I think having some sorting options there would be nice.
    (Also in the achievement page to sort by not completed would be cool too. Hard to find the one not completed map)
  2. Kaiden

    Kaiden Administrator Community Manager

    Feb 13, 2008
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    I think sorting and filtering on menus in general is a highly sort after feature. It's only recently come to the inventory tab but it's extremely useful. I appreciate it might not always be the easiest thing to add in, but from a QoL perspective the more areas that have it probably the better, such as achievement pages.
    HuggingPretzel likes this.
  3. Teddi

    Teddi Well-Known Member Bear

    Jul 21, 2007
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    It's unlikely there'll ever specifically be filtering of hard / easy maps, there's only really one place where we make a key distinction for them and that's in the achievements system. That's not to say it can't be done - but it has to make sense to dedicate effort towards and I'm not sure if at this time it's worthwhile. @Killermon might have an idea I don't however.
  4. HuggingPretzel

    HuggingPretzel New Member

    Jun 5, 2020
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    I have no idea what the BB Codebase looks like, but if you guys have some table in the DB with references to Map information (id, map name, server, file location). You could probably sort by whether the map is on the easy/hard server.

    Hopefully I'm not talking out of my booty, but I don't think it'll be very hard.
  5. Teddi

    Teddi Well-Known Member Bear

    Jul 21, 2007
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    Having a database table doesn't make it any easier when maps are effectively ephemeral. Taking your example above, we have "id, map name" alongside some other information because it was built for the timetrial system which was incepted to run across both systems with disregard for where it's ran. Maps are literally flat files dumped in to a directory and in the years we've ran surf (or any of our gamemodes) there's never been a need to know specifically the filepath or what server they're operating on - it's entirely disconnected with no reason to connect them.

    A bit of boilerplate response is that while we appreciate the suggestions, when it comes to implementation we typically ask people to refrain from suggestion "oh this is how it could be done". Not because we haven't thought of that but because there's at most two people working on this, powering all of BB's systems alongside our actual lives. It's a case of we generally try to choose large yield, high impact projects where we feel it makes sense. In this case the current rank system alongside challengers / rivals is brand new so it'll be a period of time before we review with our data where we can make improvements and what those design decisions will look like.

    Edit: Just to try and help offer a visualisation to the above statement, https://github.com/BB-Games/gamemode-issues-requests/issues?q=is:issue+is:closed will show how sometimes we get pretty simplistic requests that do get actioned, they just take time and consideration.
    HuggingPretzel likes this.
  6. HuggingPretzel

    HuggingPretzel New Member

    Jun 5, 2020
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    Ahh I see, I totally understand. Thanks for explaining a bit about the system.
    And thanks again for the work you guys put it for the servers. <3

    Whaa and do forgive me for giving the *this is how it could be done*.