Overall Corrected an issue where AHop zones could render too late or visibly cut out too soon Corrected an issue where ending zones may render too late or visibly cut out too soon Users now have the ability to swap between 600 / 800 gravity via F1. However using the 'wrong' gravity depending on server type will make you ineligible for records.* Added some preliminary underlying systems that allow for recording of runs. Added some preliminary underlying systems for race mode. Added a new zone type: stoptimer - upon touching this your timetrial mode will be stopped. Ahop zones now have a degree of prediction and should work better for players that have higher pings. Easy Removed surf_how2surf Removed surf_guitar_hi Removed surf_sandtrap Removed surf_sandtrap2 Removed surf_ivory Added surf_interference Added surf_progress_fix Added surf_delight Added surf_andromeda Added surf_cyberwave Surf_vegetables has had that one weird ahop zone removed from cabbage Hard Removed surf_neoteric Added surf_koa* Added surf_elysium4* We're going to be changing how the hard and easy servers work in the coming months. This means that hard is going to start getting more quality T2 and above maps that we otherwise consider too difficult for the easier server, with the easier server having more clear intent defined for newer players. We feel that we're really missing a trick supporting players who want those maps that otherwise just because we don't have because newer - moderate surfers would suffer otherwise. A note for surf_progress_fix: We've kept the 'pro' route open but we've temporarily made it so if you do go through it - it stops your timed run. We're experimenting to see how the map feels with the ahop zones between stages. If it turns out they're not great then we'll open the pro route up to be eligible for times. Any entries suffixed with a * indicates these changes are coming later this week due to time-constraints.
WTF I’m sad to see all those maps other than h2s go. Especially ivory At least the other changes are good
Also how the fuck did all these maps (except for h2s) get removed before prelude did? I actually only see it being played like once every 2 months
Prelude gets played to a lesser extent and due to the design of it it's fairly newer player-friendly linear map, or at least it gives a sense of progression. The other maps aren't necessarily gone forever (albeit I wouldn't expect the sandtrap series / h2s to return) however as we re-evaluate and retool the 'harder' server you may see some of these maps pop back up there. In an ideal sense we want to provide some of the maps we otherwise deem unfit for newer players and the 'hard' server is going to become that. It's still in a rough draft at the moment but we do acknowledge that players want more maps and variety but the easier server isn't really the right place for that anymore.
I will say that progress needs to have the linear mode added. The transitions between the 4 segments take too long and break the flow of gameplay.
We're open to the speed run part of Progress being enabled, although it'd force anyone wanting to be competitive to go that route and also know of it (given it's just a wall you have to fly at). We'll probably give it a week and then evaluate everyone's feedback, and enable it if wanted. The removed maps were based on statistics for those impacting the player stats, the Sandtraps were fine but didn't really bring anything. Ivory I want to see back on Hard in it's newer form as I actually like the map for the most part. Guitar is a bit meh. When you compare it to new linears we've just added like Andromeda it doesn't hold up.
I'm happy to see h2s and guitar gone, didn't think sandtrap maps would be removed but yeah i think they're meh, if anything i'm surprised reprise wasn't removed, there's barely anyone on it and it triggers me whenever it's on. In regards to progress, i think the ahop zones should either be everywhere between stages or not there at all, having gaps between the ahop zone and the next stage makes it tricker to coordinate between holding space and scroll hopping.
Keep in mind the zones can be extended outwards slightly, they were purposely pulled back a bit as a precaution to prevent abuse of them.
Yeah they could be extended, we didn't necessarily want people getting 3k speed and breezing through the stages until the next phase (like you see on ahop servers), but open to changing it
For those wondering, the reason the gravity changes haven't made its way live yet is due to this bug - https://github.com/Facepunch/garrysmod-issues/issues/3648. It degrades your experience of surfing quite notably so until I can come up with a decent workaround; you may have to hold out.