Clipping your ankles/head on walls, ramp spines, ceilings, etc... mid surf is the fucking worst. But if there was a ragdoll feature, where losing one or two thousand speed in a really really small length of time would cause your character's playermodel to ragdoll -- clipping your feet or your head while surfing would not only suck, but would probably result in a fucking hilarious clip. just imagine surfing utopia and clipping your head on the end skip triggering a ragdoll, or a stalactite on mesa/mesa mine. Shit would be fucking hysterical. Bonus points if the ragdoll splatters blood on surfaces. I don't think ragdoll mode should disqualify you for setting PBs and Leaderboard times, but your timer should 100% stop after a ragdoll is triggered.
I just wonder how it could be abused, maybe getting into spots you shouldn't be able to and the like, I think anything like that would have to stop times. As it's Gmod I'm always pro ragdoll though.
My only concern with this is more the risks of physics crashes - ragdolls can effectively under the right conditions get stuck and lock the main server thread (or cause judder) meaning that we'd essentially be at risk of compromising the other players experience at risk of a giggle. The compromise is that we could potentially create clientside ones, however then only the local player would see this. I like the idea, but I don't think it's one that'll get added any time soon.