snow steamdID: 76561198079892047 servers: BB surf servers Henlo frens, I would like to apply for full admin. I have been a sub admin for a while now and thought there was no harm in trying to get promoted. I know there isn't much of a difference between sub/full admin, but sometimes 2 day punishments just are not enough for some people. I would like to do this myself without having to bother any other admins that are not on. I also see a lack of full admins on when I play, and would like to help compensate for that. I should be a lot more active in the coming days due to all my doctor appointments not being for another month or so, and would like to apologize for my absents this past month. I feel I am starting to get over covid these days and have been feeling better, but I have yet to get released back to work, so I have nothing better to do than to sit around and play games. Thanks for considering me!~ PS: Jr licks windows and surfs on the wrong side of ramps, better watch out for that guy, he could be a problem. c:
I think snow would be a good fit for full. I've been playing a lot and the only full/sub I see on is jr, Chaco, and bundt. (also snow) Chaco usually isn't on that long when I see him on and jr kind of the same. AFK. Nothing against them but another admin wouldn't hurt. Super friendly towards all people on the server. Plus she is willing to get back on even after she just got off of the game if anything happens.
I'm all for it! Snow always stays interactive with other players on the server and genuinely tries to keep a welcoming atmosphere in chat and vc!
Easy +1. Active, well mannered, and kind to everyone. It would be nice to have another active full, especially since I'm going to be much busier with school going into the future here. I however cannot endorse surfing on the right side, who does that?!?
Been on the server for as long as I can remember, super friendly and willingly to help people surf. I feel like she could really handle the position and wouldn't take advantage of admin powers. +1 rep
Aside from the recent inactivity due to the virus, Snow is very helpful around the server and has a well established connection between the active players. She is usually connected to one of the surf servers late at night when moderation is light and server activity is heavy. I would recommend for full admin.