[ACCEPTED] Overall rank

Discussion in 'Suggestions / Bugs' started by nevo, May 4, 2020.

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  1. nevo

    nevo New Member

    May 4, 2020
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    Hey guys, pretty new to the forums but I’ve been on the surf server since about February.
    My idea for a suggestion would be a rank given in chat when you beat your PB like on ksf. Likely added on to the chat message that says “nevo has beaten the map” and just tack on a little like “500/1000” time rank based on your pb.

    I’m unsure as to if this would increase server lag. I’m sure on the easy server on a map like summit or something, a few thousand people have completed the map.

    is this to ambitious?
  2. Kaiden

    Kaiden Administrator Community Manager

    Feb 13, 2008
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    It's an interesting idea, and one I've seen requested a few times. I think we're a bit too narrow in only acknowledging the top 10 on a map, and there's room to make this more encompassing of players. More likely through other avenues than trying to capture thousands of ranks though.
  3. Killermon

    Killermon Hammer time!

    Jun 6, 2008
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    The reason this can't be done is due to how the timetrial system is defined. We don't store anywhere your rank, instead we store all the times and then query the top 10 when the server starts a new map. The advantage of this approach is that system is very robust, and it allows us to create leaderboards such as the Weekly, Monthly, Seasonal and All-Time and arguably, any arbitrary board was want. Furthermore, it guarantee's data consistency between them. The old timetrial system (By old, I mean really really old, long before most of our current player base) would have allowed this, but data consistency was a massive problem.

    In summary, we made a design decision to allow for customisable and robust timetrials, which means that to implement a system like this, would require either massive rework of the system. Or, we would move these calculations to the server, which would, more than likely, would impact performance.
  4. nevo

    nevo New Member

    May 4, 2020
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    Is this something worth potentially testing on the hard server? Or will that not be super helpful due to the smaller volume of players on that server as compared to the easy server
  5. Teddi

    Teddi Well-Known Member Bear

    Jul 21, 2007
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    From a more standard gameplay perspective this offers us and players next to nothing in terms of value. To try and avoid writing paragraphs, I'll keep it bulletpointed and feel free to ask me to elaborate -
    • We already offer titles and other benefits in the chatbox, meaning real-estate is restrictive there
    • Ranks are actually fairly redundant in terms of information. A rank tells you that based upon an arbitrary system you are position x. Position x doesn't inform you how far or behind you are the previous or next person.
      • It could be argued seasonal is anti-thesis to this argument, but seasonal is a rotation designed to keep things fresh, encourage a bit of research and new ways to complete maps.
    • It generally gets used as a way to breed toxicity. "Ugh why should I talk to a rank x-er when I'm a rank y-er"
    • Does it actually benefit us?
    Edit: Also the info is global, testing on hard or easy (or whatever) has no bearing.
    Kaiden likes this.
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