Name: Elysian Noon SteamID: STEAM_0:1:92679003 Server(s) you wish to apply for and given role: MVP at surf servers Why you think you should be accepted for this role: I'm probably the only person that actually helps noobs and im also one of the most active players lol
+1! Elysian is rather active and is very helpful to newer players and has been co-operative as well with prior situations, I believe Elysian fits in rather well and would be a good choice.
+1, Very active in the community for a while now and talented at teaching new players. Friendly + helpful in chat & has a good attitude about the game. I think a couple more active MVP's would be nice to see as many staff members are inactive lately on the current roster. A good pick.
plus juan, elysian is always spectating, actively helping and always chatting it up with players. Active on all servers as well as being an active community member on our Discord. Very little punishment history detected so I believe this player to be a fine fit for MVP role.
+1 to Ely here, hes just as attentive as soders and both are respectful players of BB servers. I have no complaints.
+1 Very friendly and respectful player, an awesome player that’s very good at spectating players and giving them tips on how they can improve whether it’s new or experienced players!
+1 Ely is super active and very friendly. Never thought at any given time he was out of line, and is super helpful to other players who have questions or are looking for help.
+1 Ely is super active, helpful and fun to play with, I'm always happy to see him around because I know he will be there to help on anything users need.
Super active player, is super helpful and can teach you insane routes. Mans knows his stuff. +1 from me.
Accepted on the basis of the endorsements - I think your application lacked effort though, and isn't accurate in that you feel you're the only person helping players. One thing to reflect on going forward could be how you communicate and the way it's interpreted by others, as you'll now be representing the BB community as a whole.