Name: Peanutt™ SteamID:STEAM_0:0:228854195 Server(s) you wish to apply for and given role: Surf-Easy and Surf-Hard Why you think you should be accepted for this role. When I am online late at night no other admins or mvps are on, and all kinds of trolls come in to ruin others experience so I would like to be mvp to represent and make bb community a less toxic place at night and overall
+rep! Hopefully i wont regret this. I still think you need to make a more prevalence on the easy server. Try to think of new innovative ways to make positive impact on the community! Good luck
+rep, he's shown a lot of activity, and is known in the community and is very easy to talk to. He helps newer players and gives tips with maps, and is one of the most active players I know.
+1 Very active, very nice, and very helpful. You can't go wrong making him an MVP, I feel it would only benefit the server with how active and helpful he is.