
Discussion in 'The Door' started by Doggo, Oct 7, 2017.

  1. Doggo

    Doggo New Member

    Jun 23, 2017
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    Hi. Most of you know me already, but my name is Doggo. I've been with BB for about 4 months now? But now, however, I'm deciding to leave BB and it's community. Some people might miss me. Some people won't. Most people don't know who I am.

    I can't say I have regretted the past few months being within BB. I can as a person who was bored on a vacation whom decided to play some surf. Before then, the farthest back I can remember is playing Deathrun on what I'm sure was BB (might be wrong) on my friend's computer back in 4th/5th grade. Within I fell apart of the special community of it, making several friends, few of them I still keep contact in other games.

    But things change, as they always do. I've never had very much interest in playing very recently, and the few times I do try to play on it I see a sudden turn from a once friendly community to one of more neglect and aggression toward me. My reasons move pass the community and the online aspect. If most of you didn't know, school started for me during the early days of August, as I became a freshman in high school. It's been difficult on me, balancing my schedule between entertainment/media with school. The more I try, the more stress it gives me. So I just gave up.

    I am fairly active online if I can kind of be. If you would like to be in touch with me or play any games with me, my steam is Dont expect me to be online at BB anymore so. This is goodbye.

    TL;DR I have loved being apart of BB, but I feel as I am not wanted to much any more and that it is my time to leave.
    Lightning and NeverReady like this.
  2. Kaiden

    Kaiden Administrator Community Manager

    Feb 13, 2008
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    As always when school resumes we see a reduction in player traffic; and a lot of players need to focus on studies and such. This isn't new or unique, and you join 100s of our players that have encountered the same experience, but we'll always welcome you back if you find the time to play on our servers again.

    Our rules against bullying/harassment are defined and often tested, we always encourage players to report if they feel they're a target on our servers and we'll always strive to stop it.
    Lightning and NeverReady like this.
  3. Squaesh

    Squaesh New Member

    Jan 12, 2017
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    RIP Doggo, you will be missed.
    Lightning and NeverReady like this.
  4. Lightning

    Lightning Active Member MVP

    Jun 20, 2017
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    Yo doggo i've known you for the 4 months u joined. We have had difficult and funny occasions, but you will always be welcome to come hang with me. Everyone I understand has a life just like me but im sure everyone can say you are always welcome on the bb server and you will be rememberd. It isnt always the end when school starts for all you know you could come back next summer but for your info even through the rough times of zylo and other names i should not mention that you know of you are always welcome to play with me and my crew and I think I can state for everyone that you are never un welcome to the BB community. That is just my opinion and I hope you wont be gone forever. Adios amigo and keep being dogo.
    NeverReady likes this.
  5. harrisns

    harrisns New Member

    Jul 8, 2016
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    im 25 btw