Fuzaii (JamesTheGayAngel)'s Sub Admin Application

Discussion in 'Accepted' started by JamesTheGayAngel, Oct 7, 2019.

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  1. JamesTheGayAngel

    JamesTheGayAngel [BB] Admin Admin

    Jun 9, 2018
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    James (Fuzaii, JamesTheGayAngel)
    BB Sub Admin
    I believe i can fit this role as ive managed to help those who need help as much as i can, aquired people skills and able to make sure everyone enjoys their time on the server i still continue to learn on the go,
    never a moment you dont learn something new. ive been here for a few years and want to change it up and be able to help more than i have been and would be great if you would allow me to do so. i would personally like to watch
    this community thrive and grow passed what it is now, i would like to be part of the community that brings an impact and helps everyone enjoy and want to come back and help make it grow as yes anyone can make an impact but
    its the staff members that i dont wanna say enforce but make sure things keep in order and everyone enjoys and respects others cus that impact makes them invite their friends and friends of friends and helps the community grow
    yes there are still something that i need to adapt to as i use to be admin for another server for awhile and some rules dont apply to others but its an easy get around the more i have been here and observed. i tend to have 'good'
    or 'decent' people skills so helps when talking to people and helping them understand what to do/not to do. As new people join would be nice for them to get a feeling of a great community and a fresh group of people to get to know
    and enjoy eachothers presence.
    Junior <3 likes this.
  2. Kaiden

    Kaiden Administrator Community Manager

    Feb 13, 2008
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    Hey sorry for the delay on this, was some contention on the best course of action. As we've discussed before these days we're unlikely to promote someone straight to Admin, if you're interested in trialling MVP with the expectation to apply for admin later next year then we can grant MVP status if that's something that'd interest you.
  3. JamesTheGayAngel

    JamesTheGayAngel [BB] Admin Admin

    Jun 9, 2018
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    Sure can do that if that helps for sure
  4. Kaiden

    Kaiden Administrator Community Manager

    Feb 13, 2008
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    Accepted for MVP.
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