Name: Mira (Miravyre normally but I sometimes switch between Mira and Miravyre ^) ID:76561198118968941 Servers: BB Full Admin Why i should be accepted: During my time as sub admin I feel like I've continue to grow and become even more familiar with the community. Over the months I've aimed to become as helpful as I can be and responsive as I'm able to be so that people can feel as though the server is place where they can feel secure and enjoy their time playing! I've begun to grow and learn my own powers and even to this day I strive to continue my growth so that I can help where I can when I'm needed. With that being said as of recent I've noticed that with activity in the surf servers growing there has been more and more problems arising and I believe i am ready for the step up to continue my goal of trying to make the servers enjoyable for others! Regardless of the results I love and care for the community and will always yearn to help. Thank you for reading. <3
Honestly, I have never seen such an easy +1 in my life, Mira helps so much and so many people. It gets to the point where Mira will message me if they can't make it on to help when pinged via discord, just to insure those who need help get it. Truly a dedicated sub-admin, active, and on late at night to help me mop up the trouble makers. I personally sleep better at night when Mira is on to cover when I get off, however, I would feel even better knowing Mira has the means to access all of the admin abilities to keep the server a fun and peaceful place. BB has a lot of great admins whom are amazing people I love to talk to, and I feel Mira would fit this role well, and make us all proud!
Mira is very helpful and very in touch with the community, for example he was the one that suggested to me to apply to mvp. Also i think the server needs a full admin because of the amount of toxic people joining in the last few weeks that cant be properly punished for a lack of admin power, and mira is a very responsible, chill and smart person. That sounds like a good admin, +1.
Mira it is a plus one from me! You are always one of the first to respond to admin pings, informative, always ready to learn more and our most active sub-admin. You remind me alot of myself and my passion to help our friends, and that makes you a great friend and trusting admin! Totally down to have you apart of the full admin team.
I have reached out to Mira directly several times for help when needing more than MVP on the server and they are always quick to respond to any disruptions. Super active user to the point I find it rare not to see it pop up that Mira is on throughout my day. Never seen any points where Mira has acted in a way that goes against what we want to see on the BB team. Super easy +1
EASY +1 Mira was one of the first people i started talking to in the server when i became more involved in the community, they were such a nice and helpful person and im happy to call them a friend. Mira is on more than i am and i play a looot. They always strive to be helpful to the community and always helps when things get out of hand. I'd never hesitate to reach out to to Mira about anything and i think they genuinely have the servers best interests in mind. Mira is a very good choice for a full admin in my opinion. I wouldn't be where i am in the community without them.
It is absolutely astounding how much work Mira has put into BB and I could not be happier with them. They are consistently respectful, mature, and willing to help others when they need it. I can tell they are very committed to helping out on BB and having full admin is just one step further to help them thrive as an upstanding member of staff. Words can't even begin to convey how much I respect them and how highly I regard them as a member of staff. Easiest +1 of my life.
+1 I've seen Mira use the Sub Admin role responsibly and reasonably many times. They are very knowledgeable and helpful; definitely active and a great representative of the community.