Name: eth9n SteamID: STEAM_0:0:41814160 Server(s) you wish to apply for and given role: Surf easy and hard Why you think you should be accepted for this role: I previously was admin in the community, but due to a few major changes in my life I was very inactive. I'm back now with a very steady schedule and definitely try to make time to hop on the server everyday for at least a few hours at a time. A few times I've been on the server when very few admins or other MVPs are present and I feel like only being able to call votes on trouble makers hasn't been something that is very effective. I'd love to be able to monitor the server since it's where I spend the majority of my time and I feel like I have the proper decision making skills for determining when punishments need to be dealt out.
another ez +1 from me, eth9n is skilled and helpful as well as friendly, I've been on with him as the only staff on through some of the night, and the night is when we need staff the most, could definitely use him
+1 from me, well known throughout the community, and from what I can remember, was previously a great admin.