Elk STEAM_0:1:20790510 TTT, Deathrun, those other obscure servers no one plays besides us I've been an admin before and I was good at it. But I'm gonna go for MVP for now. I (we) get TTT and deathrun going most times when we play and it can get pretty hectic. Lots of screaming little kids being racist usually. Kaiden is asleep when we play and we shouldn't be bothering him lol
You can find your Steam ID and paste it here by typing Status into console. I'll also add we do have 12 other Admins so even if I'm asleep it's still worth doing /admin in-game to see if someone is around to help.
There's no record of you using /admin in the past few months so not sure about that, unless you're going back years.
Nah, I did sometime last week when we played. Like 14 people were on. Maybe it didn't work, then. Oh well.
I'm a bit confused over the whole /admin thing, as it shows you haven't used it once since coming back, but you report a lack of Admins. Given your past experience as a Full Admin I'm happy to accept as MVP, rather than on the quality of this application.