So last night (7/17/16), there was quite a group on [BB] Deathrun. We'd played at least 5 maps. We all joined together, (3 minutes prior to map starting) and there were definitely at least 10 players on. Yet, no one got points toward the prizes you get for completing a number of maps, (#/5 for prize, #/15 for prize) Everyone that was in from the start got 1 game counted on their score. I personally got that one, and that one I got when Teddi and Killermon were there, but after that, they weren't really there to detect a problem in map progression. Kaiden hopped on after we realized we weren't getting maps counted, said he had no knowledge about it, so told us to make a post.
@Killermon can hopefully help! I'm not even sure where you see your record for maps completed etc towards the prizes.
I cannot for the life of my replicate this locally, so next time the server has people on it, I'll try and get some more verbose debug (As I've added some!)