Game name: Clive About Yourself: Still looking after the kittens (incredibly cute :3 ) and had to put up a fence to stop the chickens escaping, again. Got the results for my GSCE's a few days ago and I must say I am very pleased with the results I got. I still love playing computer games, readin' and listening to music. I've also recently built a computer which is in the process of being moved into my room, but it hasn't got the power to play anything with graphics above the origonal half-life, lol. Why I think I should be a DR Full admin: I think I should be a DR full because I have had experience moderating on the RP server, and I have been a DR sub for a month or so now. I am fair when it comes to punishing people and I do try to get the whole view of any situation which may arise. I can spend at least 14 hours on the server each week. I do have platinum and I am a DR sub admin. Refferences... DR Sub's Dumbo Angry Player Refs' Pot Ducky Killermon John M. Stanson Jellyhead Bundt Tex (Robert Benson) Tuorg Viper
YES! is all I can say really. Personally I think Freddy is more then capable of being a full admin, he shows his maturity on the server and sets a good example to those around him. I have never seen him abuse his power and is always polite and helpful to newcomers on the server.
Freddy is the nicest person ever, He helps new people uderstand deathrun and stuff like that. I have never seen him mad at something on deathrun and/or ragequit. He deserves to be ful admin on BB deathrun. He is active and a very good admin on rolepllay and deathrun. so yes
Hell yes, freddy is overall a very nice person and really really really really really really really deserves the position + 1 sub ref
YES. JA. DA. SI. I wuv Clive :3 Tis a nice person, very relaxed in the server, avenges me when I die (unless he fails, then he sucks), and over-all awesome.
Very calm, dont think I've seen him do anything profane... In fact, now that I think about it. I don't think out of all this time I've been in BB (bout one year, yes John we all know you beat us, no need to point it out again lol ) that I've ever seen him yell or swear once! That makes me say Y + E + SH... Wait... -H...