Name Chaco SteamID STEAM_0:1:158962816 76561198278191361 Server(s) you wish to apply for and given role [BB] Admin - All Platinum Based Servers Why you think you should be accepted for this role. My journey of sub-admin began in August of 2020, which came with exciting, stressful moments during the surge of players due to COVID-19. Six months later, I believe it's time for me to take the final step up the staff roster to the rank of full admin of [BB]. I've taken my time as sub-admin to incorporate the proper knowledge of what it means to be a trustworthy, superlative staff member via the spectation of work done by current administrators, along with previous situations I've encountered and believe I'm ready for the big step. I'm fairly active within the community and have built an excellent relationship with active players & the staff team which reflects my role as a staff member & a community member in a good manner. I appreciate the time taken to read through my application. Cheers!
+1. A great part of the community and has consistently shown himself in moderating. Would be a welcome addition to the full admin roster
Accepted under the condition you purchase a 2nd broom out of your own BB salary and sweep twice as much.