Name: boolamp / amberrlamp SteamID: 76561198156016347 Servers: Surf Easy / Hard Why i should be accepted: I've been Sub-Admin for around a year and half now, and throughout my time on BB i've always tried to be as helpful as possible to the people that play here. I believe i've had a lot of impact in the server, i've been active and have dealt with many problems both from !admin pings and just being in the server. I've helped lots of players learn and get better as well. I really enjoy BB and like making it a nice place for people to surf on. I believe i would be able to take on the responsibilities of a Full Admin without issue as well ;3
Easy +1 Boolamp has been a wonderful person to be around and i believe also has shown she can step up when needed. With that i believe she will preform well taking up a position as an Admin. Lot's of love <3
Boolamp is a great surfer, she just has to improve on her smoothness, agility, consistency, flicks, strafes, prestrafes, rampstrafes, snipes, boards, snap boards, headsurfs, headchecks, weaves, spins, unit, tech, maxvel, optimization, high tier maps and low tier maps. She would be pretty good as an admin tho, shes friendly, cute, nice and helpful. +1