Full Admin Application junt (juniot) STEAM_0:0:99051468 Applying for Platinum-based servers I feel that I should be accepted for various reasons, I'm fairly active everyday trying to put hours into watching the server and checking in when it gets busy. Whenever there's someone breaking the rules I normally give a few warnings before taking action, even if it's a friend. I've built a healthy relationship with the community the past year and try to help as much as possible. I feel like I could be more help being able to remove my limits of two days, for when it comes to people who threaten the server, and or take their previous punishment to the next level. Edit: would be nice to see an active full admin for once I thought this was the best time to apply for full admin, because I was accepted 104 days ago.
+1 I trust junior and believe he legitimately enjoys the community and is an integral part of it. He's been active as a sub and contributed a good deal as a part of the admin team. It would be nice to have another active full besides the ones we have currently