IGN: OBblivion Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:73608054 Applying for MVP on surf I'm applying for MVP because I feel like its time to try to start climbing the ranks. I've been apart of bb for almost 5 years now. Before I use to mainly play during the very early mornings EST but now I'm playing just about any chance I get. I've posted a good amount on forums over the years. Suggestions, map ideas, etc. Although I don't use VC that much I do try to help out any way that I can. Sometimes people get overseen because there is a conversation going and those are mainly the ones I help.
not gunna i always thought you were already staff although i never checked just because i have seen you around so much over the years, ez yes from me! i've never saw anyone welcome as many new people to the server as you have, truly wholesome person, +1
Accepted. EDIT: You were already an MVP from back in 2017 it seems, maybe stepped down at some point. Teddi has re-added permissions in-game. https://wiki.bbroleplay.co.uk/OBblivion